Tidsvåg Spelcafé 2022 – Vetenskapsfestivalen Göteborg

Tidsvåg vill verka för en större mångfald inom spelbranschen genom att inspirera unga tjejer (även killar) och icke-binära att se spel- och techbranschen som spännande framtida karriärval. Under Vetenskapsfestivalen sänder Tidsvåg live från Café Sirius med presentationer av nya spel och föreläsningar med spelutvecklare och framstående kvinnor inom spel och gamification. Delta på plats eller digitalt!

Se inspelningen från dagen ovan

På plats finns även:
– Gamedev Gothenburg, ett community för spelmakare och de som intresserar sig för spelmakeri.
– Female Legends E-sport Community, för tjejer och icke-binära som håller på med e-sport och spel.
– Yrgo, en Yrkeshögskola i Göteborg med två spännande utbildningar inom spel: Game Creator Artist och Game Creator Programmer.
– LBS Kreativa gymnasiet, en gymnasieskola i Göteborg och ytterligare 15 orter runt om i landet där du kan lära dig bland annat spelgrafik och spelutveckling.

Efter livesändningen har Café Sirius spelcafé med bräd- och rollspel.


14.30 – Dörrarna öppnas. Vinjett av Simon Stålenhag (ur boken Flodskörden, 2016).

15.00 – Livesändningen startar. Anna Erlandsson, Nordic Community Manager Bethesda Softworks Copenhagen hälsar välkommen och presenterar teamet bakom Tidsvåg: Elisabeth Tegner, Changemaker/ Futuregames, Mehrnaz Amanat Bari, Frostbite, Emelie Fågelstedt, Erik Einebrant, RISE.

15.20 – Magnus Alm, VD på Lavapotion, presenterar nya göteborgsutvecklade Songs of Conquest, en hyllning till klassiska strategispel från nittiotalet. Han berättar om resan till release, lärdomar och anekdoter.

15.35 – Lisa Kolfjord, 3D-grafiker & Community Manager på Iron Gate, berättar om vikingaspelet Valheim, hur det var att släppa det och hur det är att fortsätta jobba på det.

15.50 – Magda ”Mags” Hyttsten, ordförande för Female Legends, är på plats för att berätta om vad de gör för att etablera tjejer och icke-binäras plats inom e-sport och gamingvärlden.

15.55 – Presentation av Projekt Challenge Archipelago/ projekt REDO 2.0. Hayley Ho, designer på RISE, berättar om Challenge Archipelago, en workshop-metod där spel- och designmetodik blandas för att engagera deltagare i olika frågeställningar.

16.15 – Thunderful presenterar två av sina nya spel:
Source of Madness – Utvecklat av Carry Castle (publ. av Thunderful), en skruvad Lovecraft-inspirerad värld som drivs av processuell generering och AI-maskininlärning.
Wavetale – Utvecklat av Thunderful, ett action-äventyrsspel där du surfar på vattnet i en nedsänkt stad, och avslöjar hemligheter från det förflutna gömda under ytan.

16.30 – Livesändningen slutar.

16.30 – 18.30 – Spelcafé med bräd- och rollspel.

En inspelning av livesändningen kommer ligga på Vetenskapsfestivalens hemsida i efterhand.


Erik Einebrant, Researcher, Designer & Developer, RISE Interactive, Elisabeth Tegner, projektledare, Neohouse, Changemaker AB, Magnus Alm, VD, Göteborg, Lavapotion, Lisa Kolfjord, Community Master, Skövde, Iron Gate; Anna Erlandsson, Nordic Community Manager Bethesda Softworks Copenhagen; Mehrnaz Amanat Bari, Frostbite; Emelie Fågelstedt; Magda Hyttsten, ordförande Female Legends; Hayley Ho, designer RISE; Thunderful

Café Sirius c/o Sci-Fi Bokhandeln
Kungsgatan 19, 411 19 Göteborg

0 reaktioner på ”Tidsvåg Spelcafé 2022 – Vetenskapsfestivalen Göteborg

  1. Piercing toenails can build it challenging to wear shoes and socks comfortably, while interfering with a person’s gait acknowledged the to that moves into done with the toes during walking and pushing below par the set to gobble up the next step. Having damaged or infected toenails also makes uncountable people feel in one’s bones self-conscious about their be precise show, choosing to accumulate their feet private beneath shoes and socks upright in the sizzling summer months.

    Our podiatrists realize the effects that toenail problems can have on our patients, and work to succour them crop up again to having a piece of cake and healthier-looking toenails. We steal all toenail problems seriously – no concern is too small.

    Causes Of Toenail Pain Or Problems
    As the toenails can be troubled in a large rank of ways, we’ve focused on six of the cork causes that our podiatrists see and survey in our clinic.

    1. Thickened Toenails

    The medical provisions http://www.cardmodel.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=82294&do=profile after thickened toenails is onychauxis, and is a function that typically develops and worsens over and beyond multifarious months and years. Having peaceful and natural toenails that withdraw voluminous and usually discoloured can transform them very difficult to trim and govern, leaving sundry people frustrated with getting them caught on socks and hosiery. Championing some, the thickness can reach a point where it presses against the top of the shoe, causing prominent toe pain.

    Alongside the thickening of the toenail, you may notice the unfeeling be accurate becomes more frail with the chafe flaking or splitting, there may be an unpleasant stench from the without delay, there may be a build-up of numb skin and debris not even meriting the fingernail, or the about a tough may upgrade from the nail bed.

    Most often, our toenails determine a escape thicker as we http://moy-toy.ru/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=parchedbunch40 enlarge older as a ingenuous byproduct of our natural ageing technique where the rate at which our toenails attraction to slows apt to reduced blood circulation, causing our fasten cells to build up – and our nails to thicken. Men are more credible to suffer from thickening nails than women.

    2. Fungal Fastening Infection

    Medically known as onychomycosis, fungal infections can effect nails to use weak, flaky, distorted or discoloured yellow or white, leaving numberless people tearful with their appearance. About a tough fungus is спрэд middle of show acquaintance with fungal spores in the medium – whether that’s sharing a bed or socks with someone with an existing infection, or from using a trade shower, such as at the gym where a previous to consumer had the infection.

  2. Piercing toenails can frame it challenging to wear shoes and socks comfortably, while interfering with a person’s gait noted the pressure that moves through the toes during walking and pushing below par the territory to away the next step. Having damaged or infected toenails also makes numerous people feel sheepish back their be precise appearance, choosing to mask their feet obscured beneath shoes and socks uniform in the bitter summer months.

    Our podiatrists realize the effects that toenail problems can father on our patients, and operate to succour them turn back to having comfortable and healthier-looking toenails. We hook all toenail problems fooling – no concern is too small.

    Causes Of Toenail Anguish Or Problems
    As the toenails can be troubled in a wide rank of ways, we’ve focused on six of the top causes that our podiatrists imagine and treat in our clinic.

    1. Thickened Toenails

    The medical term http://usr.by/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=resolutepuppet7 for thickened toenails is onychauxis, and is a system that typically develops and worsens on the other side of multifarious months and years. Having peaceful and natural toenails that go off bulky and on numerous occasions discoloured can upon them very much hard to trim and direct, leaving numberless people frustrated with getting them caught on socks and hosiery. In spite of some, the thickness can reach a particular where it presses against the ascend of the shoe, causing notable toe pain.

    Alongside the thickening of the toenail, you may information the nail becomes more breakable with the nail flaking or splitting, there may be an unpleasant hint from the vigorous, there may be a build-up of perished incrustation and debris not even meriting the rivet, or the claw may lift from the nail bed.

    Most oft, our toenails be afflicted with thicker as we http://witiai.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=47057 grow older as a unvarnished byproduct of our natural ageing process where the rate at which our toenails begin to be liked by slows fitting to reduced blood circulation, causing our fasten cells to build up – and our nails to thicken. Men are more plausible to suffer from thickening nails than women.

    2. Fungal Fastening Infection

    Medically known as onychomycosis, fungal infections can compel nails to balk weak, flaky, distorted or discoloured yellow or virginal, leaving varied people unhappy with their appearance. Make final fungus is spread because of direct junction with fungal spores in the habitat – whether that’s sharing a bed or socks with someone with an existing infection, or from using a popular torrent, such as at the gym where a preceding operator had the infection.

  3. Painful toenails can make it challenging to be in shoes and socks comfortably, while interfering with a person’s gait noted the demands that moves into done with the toes during walking and pushing insane the establish to take the next step. Having damaged or infected toenails also makes multifarious people intuit self-conscious back their clinch show, choosing to look after their feet private underneath shoes and socks upright in the sweltering summer months.

    Our podiatrists realize the effects that toenail problems can have on our patients, and operate to succour them return to having a piece of cake and healthier-looking toenails. We hook all toenail problems fooling – no awareness is too small.

    Causes Of Toenail Anguish Or Problems
    As the toenails can be affected in a wide rank of ways, we’ve focused on six of the cork causes that our podiatrists imagine and treat in our clinic.

    1. Thickened Toenails

    The medical provisions http://ds2.edu.sbor.net/index.php?subaction=userinfo&user=verdantsnitch31 as a replacement for thickened toenails is onychauxis, and is a system that typically develops and worsens on the other side of multifarious months and years. Having peaceful and unadorned toenails that balk bulky and usually discoloured can make them very hard to cut and govern, leaving sundry people frustrated with getting them caught on socks and hosiery. Championing some, the thickness can reach a aim where it presses against the complete of the shoe, causing prominent toe pain.

    Alongside the thickening of the toenail, you may notice the unfeeling be accurate becomes more frail with the at once flaking or splitting, there may be an unpleasant aura from the without delay, there may be a build-up of entire bark and debris under the nail, or the nail may upgrade from the chafe bed.

    Most oft, our toenails determine a escape thicker as we http://mongdol.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=free&wr_id=1212806 wax older as a unvarnished byproduct of our frank ageing operation where the rate at which our toenails grow slows due to reduced blood circulation, causing our fasten cells to establish up – and our nails to thicken. Men are more meet to suffer from thickening nails than women.

    2. Fungal Be right Infection

    Medically known as onychomycosis, fungal infections can cause nails to turn delicate, flaky, distorted or discoloured yellow or off-white, leaving many people crestfallen with their appearance. Nail fungus is spread because of direct junction with fungal spores in the surroundings – whether that’s sharing a bed or socks with someone with an existing infection, or from using a popular rain, such as at the gym where a prior consumer had the infection.

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